Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Simple tasty Thai noodles

Recipe is coming soon!!

Chocolate Cake filled with cream

Coming soon!!!

Salmon with Thai style


4 portions of salmon slices  
1 cup finely chopped ginger
1 cup finely chopped coriander
2 tblsp  black and white sesame seeds
1 cup light soy sauce
1 tsp sesame oil
1 red chilli pepper –finely chopped

1. Put the slices of salmon into a cooking dish

2. Mix the chopped ginger, coriander and chilli paper  together and cover the salmon pieces

3. Mix the light soy sauce and sesame oil and with a spoon dress the salmon pieces completely by soaking them a few times with the sauce from the coking dish

4. Then add the sesame seeds on top of the fish pieces

5. Cover the dish with a foil and cook in the pre heated oven 20-30 minutes with 200 C.

Celeriac in orange sauce

1 big celeriac
1 big carrot
1 big orange – to make the juice
1 big quince
1 cup water
2 tblsp olive oil
Salt and paper for seasoning

1. Peal the skin of celeriac, carrot, quince and chop large slices and put in a large flat pan
2. Add orange juice, water, olive oil and salt cook in medium  heat with a lid on for 20 minutes
3. Put the heat down and cook additional 10 minutes. After turning off the heat add one more tblsp olive oil and season with a little black pepper.
4.Can be served warm or cold (I prefer it in room temperature – as you get better taste.

Chocolate chestnut cake

500 gr.  chestnut Cream
100 gr.  dark chocolate
100 gr.  butter
3 eggs
1 pack marzipan - for decorating - optional!

1. Melt the chocolate and butter first then add the Chesnutt cream by mixing well
2. Mix the eggs in a separate bowl and add it to choc-chesnutt mixture progressively
3. Pour the mixture to a baking tray and cook in hot oven with 150 C for about 45 minutes

4. You can decorate it with marzipan