Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Salmon with Thai style


4 portions of salmon slices  
1 cup finely chopped ginger
1 cup finely chopped coriander
2 tblsp  black and white sesame seeds
1 cup light soy sauce
1 tsp sesame oil
1 red chilli pepper –finely chopped

1. Put the slices of salmon into a cooking dish

2. Mix the chopped ginger, coriander and chilli paper  together and cover the salmon pieces

3. Mix the light soy sauce and sesame oil and with a spoon dress the salmon pieces completely by soaking them a few times with the sauce from the coking dish

4. Then add the sesame seeds on top of the fish pieces

5. Cover the dish with a foil and cook in the pre heated oven 20-30 minutes with 200 C.

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